A poster campaign designed to bring awareness to teen dating abuse occurring within the United States. 


In order to match the chaotic and negative energy found within abusive relationships, I wanted to create a typographic background using a variety of font weights and sizes for each poster. The words in the background are a collection of verbal insults and types of abuse experienced in teen dating relationships.


I contrasted the black & white images with bold background colors and mixed in some statistics among the slew of insults in order to create an overwhelming atmosphere of anxiety and anger experienced within abusive teen relationships, while also educating people on the topic.

The blue posters include statistics on teen dating violence (TDV) among heterosexual boys and girls while the black posters contain TDV statistics concerning LGBTQ+ teens. It's important to bring awareness to dating abuse amongst heterosexual boys because it's not really something that's talked about often. The same goes for LGBTQ+ teens whose relationships are barely even talked about in a healthy context. Teens who are a part of marginalized groups are many times more likely to experience dating abuse than most other teens.