Hey! I’m Anais Gonzalez, a graphic designer and illustrator based in NYC. I was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in the Bronx. Growing up, I was very shy, so I turned to art as a way to express myself. I doodled characters in the margins of my notebooks during class, painted banners for school rallies, and made cards for my friends. 

Currently, I am the Assistant Art Director at Americas Quarterly and reguarly do freelance projects with the Atlantic Council. I love creating bold designs by experimenting with typography, illustrating by hand and playing with code to give my work a voice of its own! In my downtime, I like to watch cartoons with my younger brother, bake treats for my loved ones and get way too invested in TV shows (the weekly relationship drama in All American is honestly killing me right now)! 

Interested in working together or just getting to know me better? Contact me below! I’d love to hear from you. :)


P.S. I coded this site myself using Bootstrap :) !